Our team is a diverse collective of experienced experts and educated leaders in their fields, including energy and project development, critical infrastructure acquisition, finance, geopolitical affairs, technical legislation, tax, trade, law, campaigns, cultivating influence, and strategic communications, to name a few.
Founded on this premise, Proxenos' strategies produce modern results.
"When my company was approached by the U.S. government to participate in the tender to acquire a port in northeastern Greece, I felt it was my duty to humanity to support a more productive world by improving this critical piece of infrastructure supporting NATO and the U.S. DoD in the Aegean, but I didn't know where to start. I had never invested in Greece, had no understanding of the region's energy landscape, and was even more behind on the complicated political situation in Europe. Fortunately, the Proxenos team approached this project of global importance with unparalleled professionalism and resourcefulness, ultimately securing a strategic local partner and abating my fears of investing in this unknown initiative, as well as generating bipartisan support from Congress and the White House to move forward with purchasing of the port. Additionally of note, through their resources and analytical capabilities, Proxenos was also able to uncover concealed information that ultimately delivered disqualification of our competitors in the tender process. If you've got a complicated project or problem, the Proxenos team is prepared to solve it, and their work created value that more than paid for itself."
- Proxenos Client Testimonial

How you say what you mean matters.
The story is often more than half of an ask. Investor pitches, conversations with Congress, campaigns for causes in Washington and around the world - a compelling narrative is vital, and a concise presentation is crucial.
Proxenos' services of refining narratives and crafting a wide variety of strategic, tailored communications and media plans have changed laws and earned our clients millions.
After working in both the House and Senate, leading international tax discussions and trade deals, a founding partner of Proxenos played a central roll in advocating with the rail industry to convince Congress to pass a tax credit that continues to improve commerce transportation safety and has saved the nation's short and major lines over $1 billion since its passage in 2022. Organizing more than 5,000 members of the rail community to centralize the message of necessity for this tax credit, including directing communications, advocating for the economic argument, engaging the general public through strategic events, press, and programming, and securing more than 100 hours of face-to-face meetings and committee discussions across Capitol Hill and the White House, the coalition led by this Proxenos was able to secure permanency and passage in less than two years.
Our Clients
Unmatched and unique as their needs.
And Proxenos is prepared and privileged to support them all, including:
Global Diplomatic Missions
Infrastructure and Energy Development Companies
Investors, particularly those seeking: international partnerships; support from the U.S. government, administration, and DoD; economic counsel; and geopolitical advisory
Individuals, Private Companies, and Largescale Conglomerates
Advocacy Groups
Trade Projects
Charitable Organizations
And many more.
No position to promote or policy to change is too complicated for our team to consider.

Project case study
In June 2023, a client hired Proxenos to advise and activate a strategy to increase reliability of power delivery in the Levant Mediterranean, where, for nearly 6 million people, electricity blackouts are an expected and planned-for part of the day. Developing a project to provide more than 300 MWs through sustainable, geographically sound, and politically accepted generation, for its alignment with global security objectives aimed at providing certainty for functional power, Proxenos' presented plan and efforts are endorsed by key Members of the U.S. Congress, the State Department, the defense industry community, officials in the Administration, as well as social and political leaders across the Middle East. While these leaders may be at odds on certain ideologies and other initiatives, the need for solutions facilitating consensus in the region and for all allied nations is as high as it's been in generations, and Proxenos' global network, financial and political connections, and experience working on the ground around the world has been able to achieve just that through pursuit of this project.

With more than a century of experience across our team and partners, Proxenos is pleased to offer access to our resources and exclusive policy paper library developed through our decorated tenures. This repository is most suited for access by those interested in understanding their company's or cause's potential value to be derived from the more than trillion-dollar capital facility designed to be distributed from D.C. each year.
Complicated projects and storied pasts are no problem with Proxenos' arsenal of press and editorial contacts who regularly help us craft an organic message across the media landscape that resonates with the readers and audiences who matter. With multiple stories, op-eds, reports, and on-the-record remarks prepared and provided by Proxenos in the New York Times, The Economist, and dozens of highly respected international publications, as well as relationships with reporters in Washington and worldwide, where most firms pale in working with press, Proxenos is competitively equipped with the option and ready to call on the resource for any number of designed effects, including securing support from Congress, action by the U.S. administration and its agencies, financial and strategic partners, and garnering involvement from general populations around the globe.